The School uniform should be worn by all pupils throughout the school day, on the way to and from school and when representing the School. We expect all pupils to take pride in their appearance and to remember at all times that they are ambassadors for their school.
After discussion with parents and teachers, the following requirements are put forward by the School as being both reasonable and desirable in furthering a sense of unity and purpose amongst pupils.
Standard mid-grey school trousers (or knee length, tailored shorts in Summer) or knee-length skirt.
Blue and white striped or gingham dress optional in Summer term.
MMS navy V-neck sweater *
Fully buttoned, white shirt with collar (long or short sleeves).
Striped tie in House colours (available from the school).
Navy, grey or black opaque tights or white ankle socks to be worn with skirts.
Black, fully enclosed, low heeled school shoes.
Bright, outdoor coats.
Shoes Advice
In view of the large number of steps in the School, children should wear sensible shoes with low profile soles and broad-based heels so that unnecessary accidents can be avoided. Government Health and Safety Regulations now make such measures a requirement. Shoes should, therefore, be practical, fully enclosed, comfortable and safe with a maximum height of 5cms or 2ins measured at the back of the heel. Fashion shoes (eg slipper or dolly style), trainers or boots should not be worn.
P.E. Kit
Navy T-shirt for indoor work *
Blue reversible with yellow band Rugby shirt for outdoor work *
Navy shorts *
Navy football socks *
White ankle socks.
Non marking soled training shoes for indoor activities.
Outdoor trainers or studded boots for games activities on the playground or field.
Shin pads & gum shields (boys & girls) in the Autumn term.
Change of underwear.
Other Advice
Make-up of any kind should not be worn (including nail varnish).
Jewellery is limited to small, stud earrings and a watch.
Hair should be natural in style and colour. Extreme styles, including tram lines, are not appropriate. Hair shoulder length or longer must be tied back.
Chewing gum is strictly not allowed.
All items of clothing and property should be clearly labelled.
Valuable items should not be brought in. Mobile phones should be handed in, clearly named, to Reception for safe keeping.
* These items are available to order online from Price & Buckland -