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Minehead Middle School Strive for excellence


In history at MMS students learn about topics in the local area, Britain and the wider world. This includes studies of the changes to the local area during the Anglo Saxons, Normans, the Reformation and the Industrial Revolution, as well as the wider impact of these events on Britain overall. Other worldwide studies include the Mayans and the Holocaust. 


Our history curriculum has been carefully mapped against prior and future learning and three over-arching themes are built upon throughout each child's learning in history: Power and Conflict, Legacy and Settlement. Learning is supported by both external visits and guest visitors to enhance the provision and engagement for our children.


As enquiry is at the centre of our learning, students in Year 7 and 8 are encouraged to research their own questions about the topics of study as part of their independent learning, which they can use in their end of topic application tasks.

Think like a historian - child friendly subject skills
