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Minehead Middle School Strive for excellence

Careers Education

Careers at MMS is an integral part of our student’s personal development. As parents, students and employers your input is valuable.


Regular and sustained contact with our local employers is an important part of our careers programme at MMS. It is essential that our young people get to meet and understand the job roles available to them and to improve their understanding of the labour market, whilst exploring their own aspirations for future careers.

Some examples of employer event we host and are part of include;

  • Employer Assemblies
  • Employers working with the Curriculum
  • Speed Networking with Employers
  • West Somerset Careers and Skills Fair
  • STEM workshop with STEM Employers

If you are a local employer or professional who would like to be part of our careers programme, please get in touch with our Careers Lead



Encourage your child to:

  • Talk about their ideas relating to their future
  • Research various careers
  • Discuss their ideas with their tutor, teachers and careers adviser
  • Find out about the requirements for further training, college, and university entrance
  • Develop their skills by taking part in school and external clubs and activities


As you begin to support your child to make informed decision about their future career paths and aspirations:


  • Be open to ideas and encourage them to explore all their options
  • Challenge stereotypes
  • Keep in mind that your child’s choices and decisions should be based on their aspirations and abilities, not on what you think they should do!
  • Emphasise life is fluid! Not everyone has a clear idea what they want to do so your child's career ideas are likely to change as they get older
  • Recognise that our aspiration and ideas change


We recognise that the world of work has changed somewhat and is growing and adapting even still. Many jobs open to young people today didn’t exist 100 year ago and 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet.

To support our Employers, Parents and Student please find some useful website.

Parent key Links


Students key Links

Employer Key Links

  • Careerpilot : Parent zone a friendly website to help young people and parents/carer explore future career paths and qualifications













MMS measures its progress termly against the Gatsby Benchmarks.  It is a formal assessment with the Compass lead.  Feedback is gathered from pupil, staff and parent/carer voices using surveys. Currently the school has achieved 100% in 8/10 categories.  


MMS Gatsby Benchmarks -Summer 2024

The Careers Curriculum Map is currently under review with the Beacon Education Trustees.  
